Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Life of David - Lesson 24

The Davidic Covenant - 2 Samuel 7

Prayer: God you are amazing, you have done amazing things in the lives of your people throughout all time, and you continue to do amazing things in our lives today.  Prepare us Lord for the things you have planned for us, prepare our hearts to be soft to your will, and prepare our minds to be free from deceit and filled with your truths.  Keep our lives free from the detours and distractions that come as a result of our fast-paced world, and protect us from spiritual forces of evil that may try to trip us or draw us away from You.

Quickly Form Groups:
1.  Briefly have each person share about how they plan to honor God this Summer, say a brief prayer for each.

In last week's lesson David brought the Ark to Jerusalem.  While bringing the Ark David boldly danced before the Lord, he had a heart that was willing to look the fool in order to honor the God he loved.  We should all be so "foolish".

2 Samuel 7:1-3 - David wants to make a building to hold the Ark.  David doesn't like that his own dwelling is nicer than the dwelling for God's Ark, and he mentions this to Nathan - a prophet of God at that time.  Nathan responds (without first consulting God) that David should go ahead... after all God has demonstrated that He is with David.

2 Samuel 7:4-7 - Nathan is gently corrected & not rebuked; however, God is not going to automatically approve anything David thinks is a good idea.  This is a reminder to us that just because we think what we're doing is what God would want, just because we think our actions honor God, if we haven't gone to Him about it first we're really just doing what we want to do & trying to call it serving God.

God clarifies that He hasn't asked for a house, this isn't God's priority.  God's priority was to have His dwelling be wherever His people were.  Today that continues to be God's priority - His church is His people, not the buildings that His people call "church".

2 Samuel 7:8-11a - God has a message for David, God reminds David of what He has already done for him: picked him when he was a young shepherd boy & made him into Israel's king, gone with him along the way, gave him victory over his enemies.  God tells David what He's going to do next: He's going to make David's name great (famous), He's providing the lands of Israel (they will be expanded under David), He will protect the people of Israel and give the nation rest from their enemies.

2 Samuel 7:11b-17 - God declares that instead of David establishing a house for God, God will establish a house for David - this is of course speaking of a legacy or of David's Spiritual "house".  God speaks about David's offspring, and the immediate fulfillment of this came through Solomon - who succeeded David & built the first temple, and who was immensely blessed by God & yet needed correction by God.  The more important fulfillment comes by Christ, who was the one who built a true house for God's name (the church), and who's throne is eternal.  

This passage, verses 8-16, is the Davidic covenant.  This covenant isn't based on what David or David's descendants do, but rather on God's promise.  These promises find their ultimate fulfillment in Christ, but there may yet be a future greater fulfillment as well - either in the millennial kingdom to come or in heaven (or both).  It is my firm belief that God is not finished with Israel yet.

2 Samuel 7:18-21 - David responds to the message from God by spending time in prayer.  In these first few verses I sense that David is flabbergasted by what God is saying He's going to do, David seems to be overwhelmed that God has chosen to bless his family in such a magnificent way.

2 Samuel 7:22-24 - David praises & glorifies God, proclaims God's greatness and that there is no other God.  David acknowledges that God has done amazing things for the people that He has chosen, to establish them as a people for His name's sake - a people who's purpose is to bring God glory.

2 Samuel 7:25-26 - David speaks of God's promise, asking God to keep this promise forever so that God's name will be praised and so that the world will know that the Lord Almighty is God over Israel.

2 Samuel 7:27-29 - Finally, David's prayer lays claim to the promises God has made, embracing the promised blessings for himself and his descendants.  David's house would be blessed forever, not just in this world but in eternity.

Closing Prayer:  Lord as we go our separate ways for the Summer, and as some move on from this fellowship, we pray and thank you that we are a part of your family.  We thank you that you established your family through the various covenants with your people Israel, and through the new covenant instituted by Jesus.  We thank you that we are a part of the legacy you established with David, that when we were adopted into your family we received the blessings of being a part of your eternal kingdom.  Amen!

Quickly Form Groups Again:
2.  How might you know when you are in God's will?  Is there something you're doing for God that you're assuming is His will?  What will you do about it?
3.  What sorts of things are always in God's will for you to do?  (some verses to help you get started - 1 Timothy 2:1; Matthew 28:19; Romans 15:11; Romans 12:9-21)

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